Google launches new Caffeine search index

Google has switched to its new indexing technology called Caffeine. Google announced this late Tuesday in a blogpost at their official blog. According to the Official Blog post Caffeine is faster than the previous technology and provides 50% fresher results. Basically the new search indexing system will make the entire index more real time. With…

1000 Top Website List By Google

You would be amazed by the heading but it is true that Google has issued a list of top 1000 sites. It is basically done for advertisers and advertising purposes and is shown on Double Click Ad Planner. An amazing thing in this list is that Google is the top searched and most visited site…

Google Adds Five More Languages In Google Translate

oogle has announced that its adding 5 new languages to Google translate which are: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Georgian and Urdu. So, it means now Google translate supports 57 languages in total. According to Google official blog:“These languages are available while still in alpha status. You can expect translations to be less fluent than for our…

Google Rolls Out New Search Interface to All Users

Google was testing the new Google Search Interface for plenty of years & now that is about to finalize & rolled out for the users to check & experience in 37 languages globally. Mr Janakiriam Google spokesperson said about Google’s new UI: “This is one of the largest user interface experiments they have ever run…

Download Google Chrome Beta 5

Google has rolled out Chrome beta 5 with many new performance enhancements and fixes. Chrome beta 5 is the fastest version of Google’s web browser and do the excellent job for Javascript engine V8 with 35% improvement as compare to previous benchmarks.Some other features of Google Chrome beta 5 are: bookmark sync settings, install extensions…