Meet The New Apple iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 is now boxier, with the rear side now flat, instead of rounded. It will keep the 3.5-inch display diagonal, but will quadruple the pixels to 640×960, making it the highest-resolution screen on a smartphone to date. Apple actually calls the new screen Retina Display, because it shows 326 pixels per inch, while…

Apple Passes Microsoft in Market Share

According to the market analytic Apple surpasses Microsoft in market share and now Apple is more worthy technology company as compare to Microsoft and comes at second place in market capitalization after Exxon Mobil Co. of USA.Three months ago Apple surpassed Walmart to become at the third position in market share holding and now Apple…

Apple iPod Touch with 2 MP Camera Leaked

The tinhte, Vietnamese site has published the leaked DVT-1, design verification check iPod Touch prototype which is manufactured by Foxconn. The leaked iPod Touch has 64GB memory, 2 megapixel integrated built-in camera. In following you can find leaked iPod Touch images and video. Leaked iPod Touch Photos

Downloads: Mac OS X 10.6.4 Build 10F54

The latest Mac OS X 10.6.4 build 10F54 focuses on Graphics Drivers, USB, SMB, VPN, & VoiceOver whereas there’s no new enhancements are included to this version.In March 2010 Apple released the Mac OS X 10.6.3, the third major release of Snow Leopard OS & now the fourth major version 10.6.4 is on its way…

Mobile Graphics: iPhone & iPod Wallpapers for Desktop Screen

Here is a collection of iPhone and iPod wallpapers for you systems desktop. These Are great mobile wallpapers. iPhone Wallpapers Tahayari Secret Edition Gfxmake Da888 iPhone Wallpaper Ultimate iPhone Foffee iPhone Suite Finkenauer iPhone Demici Adrian Drable Principal View Adolfo iPhone Apple iPhone1 iPhone Increality iPhone ImaGeac Featuring iPhone Warm Version Bureau22 Tombst0ne iPod Wallpapers…

Apple Released iPhone OS 4 Beta 3

For developers Apple rolled out iPhone OS 4.0 beta 3. So, if you want to try the latest iPhone OS beta version then go ahead to Apple developer center, grab out iPhone OS 4 beta 3, test it and write your experience in comments.Right now, no details about iPhone OS 4.0 beta 3 are spoken…